So last week I got tagged by the most excellent David
Barnett, sci-fi author and journalist and possibly the hardest-working
man in Bradford, as part of the Next Big
Thing meme. He explains it best: “There’s a thing going round the internet
and it’s called the Next Big Thing, in which writers answer a series of set
questions and then tag five other writers to do the same.” It’s not about those
writers being the next big thing (though OF COURSE we all are – it’s about the
next big thing we’re working on. Usually a novel.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It seems so far to have been restricted to sci-fi/fantasy
writers, but David kindly busted out of genre and tagged me. (I also got a
request a few days ago from YA author Julie Mayhew, whose debut Red Ink is coming
out in 2013). It seems that now it’s leaping from genre to genre like wildfire,
so like a literary Typhoid Mary, I’ll do my bit to spread it around my fellow
authors in as many fields as I can.
Here goes!
What is the working title of your next book?
The Hanging of Hannah Hawking. It was until quite recently going to be
called Hannah Hawking: A Newgate Story,
but I think the new one’s a bit more eye-catching.
Where did the idea for the book come from?
A few years ago I
picked up Derek
Hudson’s biography/edited diaries of a rather remarkable Victorian gent –
pillar of the establishment, muttonchop whiskers and all – called Arthur Munby, who had
a thirty-year relationship with (and secret marriage to) his housemaid Hannah Cullwick. He
wrote a diary which chronicled his daily life, meetings with the great &
good, etc. – but he also made Hannah keep a diary, and the extracts from hers
were what leapt out at me. Her style is so direct and different from his, and
it was fascinating to hear a Victorian voice which, to me, was completely new,
and almost never found in the fiction of the era – here’s an extract:
“i often thought of Myself & them, all
they ladies sitting upstairs & talking & sewing & playing games
& pleasing themselves, all so smart & delicate to what i am … &
then me by myself in that kitchen, drudging all day in my dirt, & ready to
do any thing for ‘em whenever they rung for me … How sham’d ladies’d be to have
hands & arms like mine, & how weak they’d be to do my work, & how
shock’d to touch the dirty things even … [but] the lowest work i think is
honourable in itself & the poor drudge is honourable too providing her mind
isn’t as coarse & low as her work is.”
Though I can’t
realistically write the whole thing in this style (believe me, I tried), there
will be sections from my Hannah’s diary interspersed with the main narrative to
retain the flavour of her voice. Around the same time, I also read James
Ruddick’s excellent Death
at the Priory, about a real-life murder case in Balham in the 1870s,
where a middle-class lawyer (Charles Bravo) was poisoned, and his wife Florence
suspected, but never charged. The two stories taken together gave me the idea
of a murder case in which the housemaid was accused, told from her point of
What genre does your book fall under?
fiction; specifically it’s a Victorian murder mystery. Sort of.
What actors would you choose to play the
part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Oh blimey … this
is definitely the hardest question. I’d love a super-talented unknown
19-year-old for Hannah the
housemaid: that way the audience will have no preconceptions about what sort of
character she is.
Hannah’s master, John Eynsford: If Aidan Turner and Rafe
Spall (the two in the middle) were genetically blended in a Fly-style replicator accident, Aidrafe Turnspall would be perfect.
His wife, Clara Eynsford. I think Mia Wasikowska has the right kind of
fragile/scary prettiness, and she has period “form”, having played Jane Eyre
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Dr. Beddoes |
Dr. Beddoes – I would allow John Hannah to take on this role: no audition necessary. He’d have
to dye his beard, though.
Dr. Ryner – Ryner is described at one point as "handsome as the Devil" - so if John Barrowman could
grow a moustache and do an English accent, bang on! Not so sure about the spangly tux, though.
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Dr. Ryner |
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Daniel Watkins, gutter-press hack |
Daniel Watkins, yellow-press journalist: I know you’re not
meant to cast your friends, but I think Liars’ League actor Cliff Chapman can exude the right
mixture of creepiness and sympathy. I expect he’ll be famous by the time the
movie goes into production :)
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Susan the maid |
Susan – another maid: Jennie Jacques,
though she’s a bit too pretty – the makeup department might need to dowdy her
down a bit. (I am basically stealing a lot of the cast from Desperate Romantics,
which is set around the same period, and which I loved).
What is the one sentence synopsis of your
London, 1860:
Housemaid Hannah Hawking lies in Newgate Gaol,
accused of poisoning her mistress – but when gutter-journalist Daniel Watkins
approaches her, she seizes the last chance to tell her side of the story. What
is the truth behind the Kentish Town Murder – and who will swing for it? (Sorry, that’s two sentences).
Will your book be self-published or
represented by an agency?
I really really
hope Penguin will pick it up, as they published my last one (The
Unpierced Heart AKA The
Whores’ Asylum). My agent Vicky Bijur, and her UK sub-agent
Arabella Stein of Abner Stein, will certainly be representing it.
How long did it take you to write the first
draft of the manuscript?
Ha! Ask me again at
Christmas. If I finish it when I want to, it will have been about a year in
total (not including a break of a few months I took to travel
round America with my sister and do various other things).
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
In terms of modern novels, I’d hubristically invoke Sarah Waters’s brilliant Affinity, given the
strong prison element. It’s not really a “Newgate
Novel” in the usual sense (they were sensational biographies of famous
real criminals written in a novelistic style, over a century before Capote’s In
Cold Blood) – but it definitely draws on them.
I’m also a huge fan
of the sensation fiction of Wilkie Collins and it
owes a big debt to his work, and a little bit to Dickens too. Which aren’t
hubristic comparisons at all, of course.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My editor at Fig
Tree/Penguin, Juliet Annan, who asked me to pitch some ideas when we met to
discuss my first novel. And Hannah Cullwick, of course.
What else about your book might pique the
reader’s interest?
The fact that it’s similar to my last one, in terms of
setting and style (though The Unpierced
Heart was set in 1880s Oxford and I’ve gone back to 1860s London for this
one – partly because the last public hanging at Newgate was in 1868).
Also, there’s lots of cool stuff in it, like a music hall
scene, and an inquest, and a bit set in an opium den (there's an extract of the opium den scene here: it's part of a tale-within-a-tale narrated by Hannah's master, John, in case anyone gets confused by the male voice). There's even a bit where someone has to have their heart restarted by an injection of
brandy (an actual thing at the time, taken from the Priory case). There’s also a
girl-fight, a bloke-fight, a monkey, plenty of prison awfulness, a bonkers
mistress, a fire, and all sorts of other fun Gothicisms. Buy it!
And now I get to tag five other writers (there are loads
more I’d like to include, but some have been tagged already and others don’t
have websites or blogs):
Gregory Norminton, author of four novels in the field of literary
& historical fiction
Thomas Mogford, thriller writer, debut just out:
Alexia Casale, hot-shot researcher & novelist, debuting in 2013 (Faber):
Terri Armstrong, Yeovil Prize-winning novelist:
Richard Smyth, nonfiction author & prizewinning short
story writer:
The next big thing is a common set phrase meaning: the new rage; the latest fad or trend, esp. in a particular field.