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I am not one of these. |
Therefore those who know me, even in passing, may be forgiven for scrunching
their brows and wondering aloud (as one in fact did on Facebook when I announced
my intentions) what I have done with the real Katy Darby.
In addition to this, my
customary terrible posture while typing on the sofa led to various alarming
aches and twinges which would no doubt have been par for the course in a
70-year-old, but made me think I should probably challenge myself physically a
bit more. Walking up and down stairs a few times a day is clearly not enough.
So, never one to take less than drastic measures, I joined
my local gym. And when I say local, I mean I can literally see it from my
window. Despite this, it’s shameful but entirely true that I hadn’t set foot in
it since moving to Peckham in 2010. But on Monday, 2 September, all that
The first thing you must know about Peckham Pulse HealthyLiving Centre is that it’s a council gym run by a private company (Fusion)
which means that some bits are great and some are shit. The first two times I
tried to join I had to wait 20 minutes to be seen – the first time because one
of the receptionist was late, and the second because a giant queue had formed
for no special reason. So the service and organisation of the place are less
than impressive, but once you’re in, it improves dramatically.
The cost, however, is not cheap: £480 for the year or £48 a
month by direct debit, minimum two months. Plus a “joining fee” of £34.76, meaning
that for the first month’s membership I had to pay over £80 upfront. (£82.76 to be precise).
Very good
discounts are available for the usual suspects: OAPs, jobseekers, disabled
people and people on benefits but alas no concessions for those on low incomes
or teens – kids have cheaper tickets but there’s no such thing as a child
membership only, or a parent and child membership, only Family for 2 adults and
2 kids. Anyway, not my problem I suppose, apart from the surprising expensiveness
of it all. You'd think the government could spend less on telling us to eat well and exercise more if they actually subsidised council gyms, but whaddoIknow?
With monthly membership, however, comes certain privileges:
free access to pretty much everything (including all classes, and all Fusion
centres – as if I could be arsed to go to Elephant to do Pilates), plus at the
moment a free week’s pass for a friend (which they still haven’t given me) a
personal training plan (ditto) and lots of other vague promises they have yet
to deliver on because, I quote the receptionist “they haven’t briefed us on
this yet”. Don’t worry, I'll hunt the bonuses down and drag 'em out
To get my money’s worth and make significant savings on the
upfront price of swimming, classes, gym use etc. I calculated that I would need
to go pretty much every day for the first month and three or four times a week
thereafter. Luckily I have nothing much better to do until term starts again in
October and can easily take an hour a day out of my writing, reading and TV
time to cross the square to the gym. And so it began.
Total cost so far: £82.76
Number of visits: 10
Total cost per visit: £8.27
Total cost so far: £82.76
Number of visits: 10
Total cost per visit: £8.27
Day One: (Monday) Swimming 7/10
As I hadn’t been inducted into the gym yet, pretty much all
I could do was swim. Peckahm Pulse actually has a really nice 25m pool, with a
glass ceiling and a vista of trees through the window. I stayed in for
an hour and did 50 lengths which is just over a kilometre.
Day Two: (Tuesday) Gymming 7/10
Induction with instructor Claire: she showed me the many,
many expensive hi-tech machines in the gym part of the centre (this is where
your membership pounds go, folks) but I decided to concentrate on the
crosstrainer, the walking machine and the cycles. I did about 20 minutes
walking, 10 min crosstrainer and the rest was on the exercise bike – maybe
about 15-20k in all? That was mostly bike, obviously. You can set the machines
to record calories burned or time spent instead of distance, but whatever.
There are two TVs in front of the machines which are permanently tuned to ITV2
and 3, with subtitles. I managed to watch an old episode of Minder all the way
through. Yay me!
The first group exercise class I go to is a water aerobics
class which consists of 17 grannies, two other people under 40, and me. Start
slow, I reckon. The instructor turns up l0 minutes late, fiddles with the
speaker for a further 8 minutes, and we finally get going around 11.20. It’s
not very challenging, unsurprisingly, but it’s quite fun. This is also where I learn
that even at swimming classes, you have to bring your paper ticket along so
they know who’s come and how many of you there are. It’s so adorably 20th
century. I was also meant to do Soca (Caribbean dancercise thing) in
the evening but they put the wrong time on my ticket so I turned up an hour
early and had to go by the time it started.
Day Four: (Thu) Pilates 6/10 and Boxercise 8/10
This is pretty good, and only seven or eight people in the
class, except that I am the only total beginner and need special treatment.
It’s reasonably tiring but not sweaty or knackering. Boxercise on the other hand was the most fun I’ve had in the
gym so far. It’s basically aerobics with boxing moves, which gets you sweaty
and panting but doesn’t make you want to die after 10 minutes (or indeed 60).
Day Five: (Fri) Hatha (Flow) Yoga (5/10)
I booked this on a whim because I thought Total Stretch
class sounded too hard, but little did I realise that this was a 90 minute
class, which meant the class felt so long I started to wonder whether yoga
actually had the power to distort time. I always take off my watch and turn off
my phone so was late out to meet my sister for Zumba, which we were then told
was cancelled. We went for a swim instead. Note to self: don’t wear swimming
costume and a little skirt as yoga clothes, or the poor guy behind you will end
up with an eyeful of your arse during every Downward Dog.
Day Six (Sat) Indoor Cycle, aka Spinning
This was HARD, though I didn’t make it easier for myself by
Turning up in the wrong shoes so I had to do it
Accidentally picking a cycle set to racing position,
with seat super high and handlebars waaaaay forward so that my arse hurt,
literally, like buggery all through the class and for two days after.
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Day Seven (Sun) Total Stretch
Like God, I’d planned to rest on the seventh day, but then I
thought Total Stretch couldn’t possibly be that bad, and if it was, I’d wimp
out and leave halfway through. Turned out it was totally fine, with some
imaginative use of equipment like those giant bouncy ball things and karate
belts used as sort of stirrups to stretch your hamstrings. Teacher very nice,
Gymsperiment Week One
Verdict: Not bad, pretty doable
Do I feel better, worse
or the same? Morally and motivationally better, physically about the same.
I expect the fitness benefits take a while to kick in, but I haven’t had any
bad experiences so far. Apart from the timebending yoga.
Is it worth the
money? At average £8.27 per visit, not yet – it’s cost about the same as it
would have had I just paid on the door each time … but it can only go down from
Best thing?
Boxercise and horizontal cycling while watching Minder.
Worst thing?
Timebending yoga, the queues, non-functional coffee & water machines in the
What next? I have
yet to try Combat Aerobics, Aqua Zumba, Zumba and Soca. Watch this space …
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