Also I seem to have brainwashed myself by dint of repetition into
actually wanting to do some exercise every day … has the Gymsperiment
Total cost so far: £82.76
Number of total visits: 27 (just under 1 per day)
Number this fortnight: 10
Total cost per visit: £3.06
Days 15 & 16 (Mon & Tue) Nothing
My cold took over properly and my only exercise was dragging
myself to the kettle to top up my hot water bottle. Atchoo!
Day 17 (Wed) Soca, 5/10 Class size: too many
This is what you get when you google "Soca dance" |
Oh my God, I really shouldn’t have plunged back into
exercise, still half-ill, and started with Soca.
IT IS HARD! It also suffers from the Zumba issue of being very fast and tough
to follow if you’re not a regular. Plus the class was massive (about 40) and there’s
a lot of flinging yourself about, so there was a pretty high incidence of
bumping into people, and a definite danger of dying of exhaustion. Too full-on
for me – I’ll stick to Zumba from now on, unless I can find anything slower.
Day 18 (Thu) Nothing
Thursday was a very busy day, starting at 10.30 and
finishing at 8.30 and spent between Denmark Hill and Clerkenwell without
passing through Peckham. Hence no official exercise, but a lot of running
about, if that makes sense.
Day 19 (Fri) Cycle, crosstrain and walk in the gym
I had one of the instructors, Claire, with me to supervise
my workout this time, to check I was doing everything right and generally not
being too lazy or too energetic: apparently I was fine. I was glad not to see
the anorexic girl in there again, but maybe it just wasn’t her regular
The only TV worth watching was (God help us) This Morning, which featured the
abortion clinic manager who had defended women who choose to terminate foetuses
on the grounds of gender (i.e. who abort girls – I know of no culture in which
female babies are prized more highly than males). An intriguing debate and a
highly emotive one: the picture was painted of women living in fear of
conceiving a girl in case their husbands or families kick them out. Nice one, humanity.
Very nice.
Day 20 (Sat)
Gym again, this time with company (Alex). Crosstrain, cycle,
walk for 15 minutes each – would have done a bit more walking but they throw
you out at 7.45 because the gym closes at 8pm on Saturdays.
Day 21 (Sun) Total Stretch 8/10, Class size: 6
I persuaded Alex to join me again for a Total Stretch class.
Despite being the only guy in the class he bore it … well, manfully, and
claimed to have enjoyed it after. It was nice to have company. Still my
favourite class: low-impact, sweat-free and 45 minutes short.
Day 22 (Mon) Gym again
Today I was going to go to Pilates at Dulwich, but since the
class I wanted was only rumoured to exist, and the complete lack of phone
answering meant I couldn’t check if it was on, I just did my
crosstrain/cycle/walk thing in the evening. Being a more frequent visitor to
the gym part of the gym has really made me wish that the four TVs weren’t tuned
to ITV1, ITV2, ITV3 and rolling news. It’s as though Fusion and ITV have some
sort of unholy pact going on to soften your brain as they harden your body. The
least worst thing to watch was Doc Martin, which gives you some idea …
Camberwell ex-Public Baths |
Day 23 (Tue) Kundalini Yoga (7/10 class size: 15) at Camberwell and
Today I branched out and took a Kundalini Yoga class at Camberwell Leisure Centre, one of the sister centres of Peckham Pulse which my
Southwark Fusion card entitles me to visit. Camberwell is the former Camberwell
Public Baths, and is housed in a lovely old Victorian building on the quaintly
named Artichoke Place. It’s a lot nicer than Peckham both inside and out, with
a café and a cute vintage pool, but is also smaller and offers fewer classes.
The Kundalini Yoga seemed much like the Hatha Yoga class in week 1, and
was taught by the same teacher, but was mercifully just an hour long.
Day 24 (Wed) Body Conditioning (6/10)
Another class the description of which was a bit misleading.
Leaflet says “low impact workout”: walking into a room full of people toting
barbells, dumbbells and Step steps, I wasn’t so sure. I’m pretty sure it was
also taught by the Soca instructor, who is extremely hardcore and, like a
hungry lion, actively seeks to separate the weak from the herd.
I noticed she
had a nasty habit of counting the reps in order to confuse you with false hope,
like this: "8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 6! 6! 5! 5! 4! 4! 3! 3! two more! Come on! 2! 1! 2! 3! 4!" (etc.) without a break, until you’ve done 20 reps while expecting to do 8.
Either that or she is severely dysnumeric. Either way, not a class I’ll be
repeating: as with Circuit Training, it’s a bit too upper body focused and also
quite painful at times. I’m not planning to enter Ms Universe any time soon and
I could do without the physical agony.
Day 25 (Thu) Boxercise 8/10
Not me. |
What I love about Boxercise is that it’s enough to make you
lightly moist and tired without haemorrhaging sweat. Also, the moves are straightforward
and repeated at least 24 times so it’s easy to get the hang of them. I am very
easily pleased, but really when I go to an exercise class I don’t want to feel
like I’m auditioning for Fame while trying to complete a crossword. Keep it
simple and easy to follow and they will come.
Day 26 (Fri) Zumba 6/10
The rubber pixie teacher tried some new moves on us which
left us in utter shambling confusion, like a zombie army in Lycra. I say again
instructors – you do this because you’re awesome at it, we do it because we
want to get fit and pretend we’re having fun because it’s to peppy Latino music.
Enough with the complex dance moves, we are not West End hoofers, and if we
were we wouldn’t be in your bloody Zumba class.
Day 27 (Sat) Nothing
I’d booked in for Garuda Yoga at Dulwich, but
annoyingly recalled that I had a plot class at City from 11am – 2pm – and there
are no classes after 2pm at any of my local centres. So I’m going to do two
classes on Monday instead, also at Dulwich: the short and fun-sounding Swiss Ball as well as Pilates.
Day 28 (Sun) Total Stretch again
I heart Total Stretch. I could do it every day if it were
on, which alas it’s not.
Gymsperiment Weeks Three
& Four Verdict: In the habit
Is it worth the
money? Average per visit is now coming in at £3.06, which represents a
pretty good saving on most classes (which usually cost £6-10 each). And though the first month was more expensive because of the joining fee, from now on the cost will be about £12 a week, which means that I will only need to take two or more classes to make it financially worthwhile. No reason to slack off though ...
Best thing?
Boxercise (most fun) Total Stretch, Swimming and Gym (lowest impact)
Worst thing? The
total lack of information available for classes at other sites (Dulwich and
Camberwell). The online info is minimal and unhelpful, the reception staff have
no idea (and even gave me completely wrong info in one case, denying flat out
that a certain class existed) and NOBODY EVER ANSWERS THE PHONE. Ever. To the
extent that I’ve filled in a complaint form. Why bother having a phone number
if nobody picks up?
What next? I have
now run the gamut of available exercise experiences (well, the ones I want to
have, anyway), including Boxercise, Yoga, Pilates, Aqua Aerobics, Zumba, Soca,
Aqua Zumba, Combat Aerobics, Circuit Training, Spinning, Stretch, Swimming and
all the gym stuff. Therefore I won’t bore you with repetition, but rest assured
I will be doing my best to keep up the good work (and get value for my
membership money) in the next weeks and months …
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